Monday, February 09, 2009

Pikmin on the Wii

Caught the advert with the requisite "Not actual gameplay" warning, but it wasn't that which made me frown. It was the description of the game - you as Captain Olimar must repair your crashed spaceship, fortunately there's the helpful Pikmin who will work for you, fight for you, and basically do all the dirty work. Hmm any patches for it that dresses Olimar in a button wig and makes all the Pikmin a much darker shade? If they kept the same mechanic and made the spaceship a cotton plantation do ya think it would have got made? Lordie, lordie I think not.

Heh from Wikipedia "To help Olimar are indigenous creatures called Pikmin, which are nearly extinct and unable to survive in the environment without his leadership when he arrives."Cometh the white man to save you all.